general guidelines


To hekp prevent the spread of H1N1 and other influenza-like illnesses on campus, students, faculty or staff who live either on or off campus and who have influenza-like illness should stay in their residence hall rooms or homes, except to get medical care, for at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100 F or 37.8 C) or free of signs of fever without use of fever-reducing medications.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently does not recommend institutions cancel classes or close campus.
  • Those suffering influenza-like illness and those at high risk of complications from novel H1N1 infection should avoid public gatherings, including campus events and activities. Those at risk include persons with certain chronic medical conditions, children less than five years old, persons 65 years or older and pregnant women.
  • Members of the campus community who work as health care professionals and experience influenza-like illness should contact their workplaces for the most current guidelines on how long they should remain at home.
  • Students experiencing influenza-like illness should contact University Health Services at 216-368-2450.
  • The university's Student Handbook states that students who are unable to attend classes because of illness should notify their instructors and make the appropriate arrangements. Instructors are expected to give students the opportunity to make up an examination or work that is missed provided the make-up work does not create any unreasonable burdens.
  • Faculty and staff experiencing influenza-like illness should contact their personal health care providers.
  • Employees who are unable to attend work because of illness should notify their direct supervisors and contact their Human Resources representative for details on sick leave.