Export Control

The Case Western Reserve University Export Control Program can help researchers understand and navigate federal export control laws, which restrict transmissions of certain information, technologies, materials, and equipment to foreign nationals, abroad or in the United States. 

As a central resource for all university export control-related activities, the Export Control Program is an important resource for CWRU faculty, administrators, employees and students, who are all responsible for understanding and complying with the university’s export control instructions and procedures.

The CWRU community’s awareness of export control issues is key to recognizing potential problems as they arise.

Though most CWRU exports don’t require a government license, investigators should not make that determination themselves. According to export control regulations, if a research project involves certain technologies, materials and data, CWRU may be required to obtain prior approval from the federal departments of state, commerce or treasury. 

Before internationally shipping or hand-carrying materials relating to projects, CWRU personnel should contact either CWRU Environmental Health and Safety or the CWRU Compliance Office.

Discover More About the Export Control Program

Get in Touch

The Compliance Office can be reached by emailing exportcontrol@case.edu or contacting a member of our team.