Salary Pool for CWRU's 2024 Fiscal Year

To Case Western Reserve University Faculty and Staff:

We write today with information on the salary pool for Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024). We are grateful that the strong financial health of the university allows us to provide a generous salary pool again this year. As we have stated previously, it is a priority to invest in our exceptional faculty and staff. 

For faculty, nearly all will receive a 2% increase. There are very few cases in which deans will not award the 2% due to unsatisfactory performance. There will be an additional merit pool of up to 4% that will vary depending on faculty performance and the financial status of a given school or college. 

For staff, those hired before April 1, 2023, and in good standing will receive a 2% increase. There will be an additional merit pool of 4% that will be distributed by supervisors on the applicable date and based on performance. 

Some positions—primarily research associates and postdoctoral scholars—fall into neither category. Individuals in these positions should confer with their supervisors to determine whether they too are eligible for the increase.

If you have questions about the distribution of this salary pool, please contact your department chair/dean or supervisor. 

Again, we appreciate your commitment to advancing the goals of the university, and we wish you a restful and enjoyable summer.

Eric W. Kaler

Ben Vinson III
Provost and Executive Vice President