New CWRU research website serves as hub for data management tools

image of data lifecycle

Case Western Reserve University has launched a new research data website to help researchers gather, and find resources to measure, analyze, preserve and responsibly store and share data.

“Research support was previously distributed between the CWRU libraries, UTech and the Office of Research & Technology Management,” said Roger Zender, Associate University Librarian, Creation and Curation Services. “This pulls it all together in a single, user-friendly hub.”

The importance of planning for and following best practices of data management cannot be overstated, particularly in light of complex, recently revised federal requirements.  This new website helps researchers with those best practices, as well as how to navigate funders’ potential regulations—for example, the National Institutes of Health’s new data management and sharing policy that requires complex data management plans for all projects that will generate scientific data.  

“It is never too early to plan for responsibly managing your data,” stressed Zender. “If you are involved in research you need to familiarize yourself with the critical data decisions you will need to make as investigators, and this site will help you do that.”

Please reach out to with any questions regarding the new website.