Brian C. Gray & E. Gail Reese Co-author Book on Personal Librarians

Brian and Gail Headshots

Brian C. Gray, special project officer at Kelvin Smith Library, and E. Gail Reese, public engagement services and library administration associate director, co-authored a book titled Personal Librarians: Building Relationships for Student Success.

They wrote the book, published by ABC-CLIO, with two other authors not  affiliated with Case Western Reserve University.

Their book focuses on specific ways to connect with and to engage first-year and other new-to-campus students. The authors provide concrete guidance—informed by interviews with other librarians who have successfully implemented such programs—for librarians wishing to begin or expand programs of their own.

Personal librarian programs provide opportunities for the proactive to build relationships that grow student confidence as future needs arise—and the authors, who coordinate personal librarian programs at their own institutions demonstrate how well they work. Read more about their book.