Instructions for investigating a simple neural network model with delays. Download nn1delay.ode from the course website and run it in XPP. 1. The parameters should be set by default to tau = 0, w=1 and theta=0. What do you expect the steady state to be in this case? Use [I]nitial conditions, [R]ange to see trajectories from multiple initial conditions. 2. Keeping tau=0 for now, explore the (theta, w) parameter regime (theta is called "th" for convenience). Find a point at which the system shows multistability. Illustrate multistability using 3. Set the parameters so the system is at the cusp of the multistable region. What do the trajectories look like now? 4. Set the parameters to w=6, th=3. Introduce a delay by setting the parameter tau to 1. Try different initial conditions to look at the effect of the delayed feedback. Explore different delays, different thresholds and different levels of feedback. What difference do you observe between positive and negative delayed feedback? For negative feedback, make the weight w negative. If nothing "interesting" happens, try a longer delay. Change n[U]merics [T]otal to a larger value (say 200) and change [V]iewaxes [2D] x limits to see longer runs. Use [W]indow [F]it to zoom into the correct scale automatically.