Department of Chemistry

Frontiers in Chemistry lecture series

Past Lectures

Brochures from previous years are available below. Adobe Acrobat software is required. They are designed for print double-sided on legal size (8.5"x14") paper.

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Frontiers Brochure, 2012-2013 (pdf)

The seventy-second Frontiers. Topics: magnetism in chemistry and analytical chemistry.

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Frontiers Brochure, 2011-2012 (pdf)

The seventy-first Frontiers. Topics: nanomedicine and natural products.

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Frontiers Brochure, 2010-2011 (pdf)

The seventieth Frontiers. Topics: materials and synthetic biology.

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Frontiers Brochure, 2009-2010 (pdf)

The sixty-ninth Frontiers. Topics: biological chemistry and solar energy.

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Frontiers Brochure, 2008-2009 (pdf)

The sixty-eighth Frontiers. Topics: energy storage and molecular evolution.

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Frontiers Brochure, 2007-2008 (pdf)

The sixty-seventh Frontiers. Topics: global warming and the chemical bond.

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Frontiers Brochure, 2006-2007 (pdf)

The sixty-sixth Frontiers. Topics: chemical dynamics and bioinorganic chemistry.