Section II Additional Information

International law usually takes the form of treaties and multi-lateral agreements between numerous nations. These nations sign onto a proposed treaty or agreement and agree to abide by its standards, regulations, and stipulations. More often than not, each agreement will establish a framework for dispute resolution and enforcement. International law, of this sort, is often created through international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations (UN), or the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB).

Because it is often difficult to reach a consensus among hundreds of nations, international law can also take shape through bi-lateral agreements. These agreements, between 2 countries, usually arise through the establishment of trade and customs agreements or security pacts. While less complex than treaties, bi-lateral agreements occur more often and are likely to be more succinct and explicit in their terms and obligations.

The international forum, while mostly made up of various nation states, often includes non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These international special interest groups lobby nations and organizations to include their suggested provisions and revisions in international agreements. While having no official force or status, these groups often wield significant moral force and political clout.






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